Adults Worker

To help you coordinate your men's, women's or over 18's work in your church, here are some features of ChurchBuilder that will help you.
People Manager and Mobile App
- look up names and contact details of church members.
Group Manager
- create groups of people related to your area of ministry, e.g. a young mum's group, a retired member's coffee morning group or a men's study group
- add, remove, copy or move members easily
- store pastoral notes alongside names
- send group emails/texts
- produce mail merged letters, avery labels, plot group member's postcodes on a map to plan groups or care, geographically, and much more!
Event Builder
- key in organising events for your ministry, e.g. men's breakfast, 18-30's evening, weekends away
- members can book and pay online
- bookings and payments are easy to track.
My responsibilities in the church are oversight of the men’s ministry which include organising a number of events each year, together with heading up a Growth Group (Homegroup). In these roles there are four key ways I totally depend on the functions ChurchBuilder offers.
1) to email large or targeted groups of people in one go, this saves a huge amount of time in compiling email lists and trying to keep them up to date. People are always dropping in and out of events and groups, ChurchBuilder removes the need for paper lists which change by the week.
2) We will run about 5 main events this year in the men’s ministry; for each event I rely on the Event Builder to simplify the tedious task of adding and subtracting people as they commit to or cancel their interest in an event. In particular I love the way Event Builder automatically compiles separate lists for those who have confirmed they are attending as well as those who are unsure if they can make it. Each time I add or remove a name from the event an email automatically goes out to the person confirming what has just taken place – it’s “magic”.
3) It’s so quick to look up addresses telephone numbers email addresses.
4) As a Growth Group leader I can easily keep the group informed as to what is happening through the group email facility.
All in all I don’t think I could keep ahead of the roles I have in the church without the help of ChurchBuilder – I can’t offer a high enough recommendation!